May 01, 2007

Explaining Alopecia

Most people have never heard of Alopecia Areata. So trying to explain myself can be quite difficult. Several times I have gotten a response of "yeah, an old friend or classmate had that." I mostly try to portray to people that despite the baldness, I am healthy and happy. Nonetheless some still do not grasp my explanations.

After about five months of sporting my new bald look, I still had a few acquaintances ask, "When are you going to let your hair grow back?" My thoughts raced through a series of unbecoming responses before I settled on, "It will grow back in time." I have total respect for men who have that nice shaved looked everyday. When my hair starts to grow back, I will not hold on to the bald look. Long locks that I can eventually donate to Locks Of Love will be my style!